Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010. Fresno, Calif.

We spent yesterday in Death Valley NP. Very hot: about 115 degrees! And very huge and desolate. But also quite beautiful. The numerous chemicals in the park have painted the mountains shades of red, blue green, black, etc. It's really something to see. And some of the roads in the park go straight ahead for as far as the eye can see, with maybe one car way ahead. A ranger told us that a few days ago a couple of teachers on summer vacation wandered off the main road on to a road the Park Service didn't know about and proceeded to get lost for three days. They broke into a cabin somewhere to protect themselves from the heat. They were rescued when, quite by accident, they were spotted by a tour helicopter.

We spent the night in Bakersfield, and today we explored Sequoia National Park. Finally, after weeks of heat and cactus, some green trees , water, and coolness. The sequoia are spectacular. It's not the height of the trees--the giant redwoods hold that record--it's the massive girth. One famously has a road cut through it.

Tonight we're spending in Fresno, and tomorrow we're off to Yosemite. My credit cards are getting worn out.

1 comment:

  1. Chemicals in the park?
    From government testing on extraterrestrial aliens?
